2009年2月20日 星期五

The email from Eva

Hi Dr. Tim,

I enjoyed so much seeing you and Cindy in Taipei. Thank you for taking the time to wander around the night market with me.

Tim, I loved Taiwan so much. The scenery was so beautiful, the people friendly, everything so clean, such good and comfortable trains and the food is the absolute best! We ate and ate and ate. I think we ate about 280 dishes in 5 days. Especially the different sea foods were outstanding. I am not sure what we ate, but all was sooo delicious.

Sun Moon Lake (I wish we could have spent a whole day there) and the Taroko Gorge were especially spectacular and I loved Ivy’s city Tainan with all its old buildings.

Of course it was a big surprise to see Ivy at midnight in Tainan. She and her boyfriend came to the hotel for a short chat.

All I can say is I wish I was still there.

So now it’s back to work and only fond memories remain.

Thanks again, Tim, for coming to see me.

With much love


Eva and Cindy

Eva and me

Eva的信讓我好感動,也讓我一直回想起在San Diego的日子,很懷念阿!

昨天跟Ricky去吃了越南河粉,在吃的時候只覺得這家真不錯,跟在美國吃的有像,吃完付錢走人的時候,坐上Ricky的車覺得很奇怪,總覺得應該是用走的去等公車,順便逛個大華超市或日韓超市,然後偷偷用中文罵外國人的,我真的想念San Diego了!

2 則留言:

匿名 提到...

Me too. ha ha.....^^

biker 提到...

